

重新开始的承诺不仅仅是一个微弱的耳语或一个抽象的概念;它是圣经中的一个宣言。“若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了!”保罗在哥林多后书 5:17 中的这句话很有分量。它们提醒我们,在基督里,我们生活中破碎的部分不会被丢弃,而是会得到改变。我们不是被过去的错误、失败或遗憾所定义。相反,我们被他的恩典重新定义。


悔改是通往新起点的大门。它不是自我厌恶或沉溺于内疚。真正的悔改是一种转变——从罪恶和自力更生中刻意转向那位使一切焕然一新的人。大卫在诗篇 51 中的祷告完美地表达了这一点:“神啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。”悔改不仅仅是说对不起;它是关于邀请上帝在我们灵魂深处进行变革工作。



重新开始往往意味着踏入未知,在这个领域,对上帝的信任不仅是理论上的,而且是实践上的。耶利米书 29:11 向我们保证:“因为我知道我为你们所制定的计划……计划让你们兴盛而不是伤害你们,计划给你们希望和未来。”这不是盲目的乐观主义;这是一种自信的保证,相信掌握未来的人也在掌握着我们。即使前方的道路不明朗,相信上帝会指引下一步,也是一种崇拜和臣服的行为。



Hello, thanks for visiting RCF.
My name is Salma, welcome.

If you have a question, please ask, whether you are joining us online or face to face.

Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

Welcome to Runnymede Christian Fellowship, an Egham Church


Runnymede Christian Fellowship is a church based in Egham but serving a much larger geographical area. Those who call us home come from EghamVirginia Water, Staines, Englefield Green, Egham Hythe, Pooley Green, Maidenhead, Heathrow, Slough, Ashford, Thorpe, Windsor, Woking and beyond.

Our church is a community of believers who regularly meet to share life and show God's love. We do this by encouraging and serving each other and the community. We believe in the power of prayer and are always happy to pray for you.

Church - What to expect

Our Sunday service is available to stream online at 11:00 a.m. You can join us on Livestream or via Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube or X (Twitter).

The Sunday Service is now held at Strodes College, Strodes College Lane in Egham open to all, so if you would like to join us, please feel free to do so. If you have any questions, please call us on 01784 637010.

We run a physical Sunday School most weeks. If you would like your children to receive a weekly Sunday School teaching pack that you can do from home, please email us at admin@e-runnymede.co.uk so that we can send you the materials.

Church on Sunday at Strodes College, Egham

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Our Sunday service starts at 11:00 a.m. and typically lasts about 90 minutes.

We start each service with lively worship with songs from around the world, followed by inspired Bible-based teaching. All our sermons are recorded and are available as a podcast after the service.

We have a monthly cycle of Sunday services, with our Communion Service being on the first Sunday of each month and an All-Age All-Nation Service on the second Sunday of each month. Our other Sunday services include Spirit-focused and teaching services.

We have consciously adopted being a blended church that is both for those online and face-to-face. You are welcome to join us on Livestream or via Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube, or X (Twitter), or you can catch up and watch the recordings later.

Joining us in person

Visiting a new and unfamiliar church for the first time can be intimidating, but we want to ensure you feel welcome and enjoy your time with us. A friendly face will be waiting to meet you at the entrance and welcome you. 

Doors open at 10:30 a.m. for coffee and prayer. Our Sunday Service starts at 11:00 a.m. and typically runs for about 90 minutes, normally followed by tea and coffee.

Driving and Car Parking

Our Sunday Morning Service is now held at Strodes College, Strodes College Lane, Egham, TW20 9DR, which has plenty of Parking. Click on the link for directions to RCF.

We have plenty of parking spaces right outside the building. Spaces are reserved near the entrance for anyone with mobility problems (for those with a blue badge). Please let us know if you need to use one of these spaces, have any special needs, or require any assistance.

The car parking area is a public area, so please ensure that your children are under your control and that, for their safety, they do not run around in the car park.

Visiting with children?

Everyone is welcome at RCF. We encourage everyone, young and old, to join the service. We have Sunday School, which starts after worship and runs during the sermon for 30 to 40 minutes for children aged 4 to 12. On the second Sunday of each month, we have a shorter All-Aged All Nations Service, where the children stay for the worship and the sermon.

After Church

We chat over coffee and biscuits after church on the first, third and fourth Sundays. If you want to get more acquainted, why not join us for a Sunday lunch with some of our members? The meal is on us! Please contact us and let us know. We would love to share a meal and get to know you better!

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Want to connect?

If you want to connect with us either to be part of our wider online community or to join our Sunday gatherings, please let us know through our connect card.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions, please review our FAQ page. Here, you’ll find answers to many common questions. If you still have questions or concerns, please contact us; we’d love to hear from you.


To contact us or see a map, click here.

Our midweek Ministry base at Virginia Lodge, Egham
Virginia Lodge Ariel
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